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Families in Recovery

Support and education for parents impacted by addiction

dad holding young happy boy

Families in Recovery offers support and education to families, parents and children who have been touched by addiction. Through group sessions, the program aims to help parents with substance use disorders learn healthy coping and parenting skills while balancing the needs of their recovery.

This program is free of charge. Participants must be parents who are either experiencing active addiction or who are in recovery.

Areas of Focus

This comprehensive experiential and educational program attends to a variety of challenges and experiences common to parents in recovery, including:

  • Identifying strengths, needs and resiliencies
  • Exploring healthy parenting in balance with recovery needs
  • Understanding the person-focused and family-centered change process
  • Promoting healthy parenting and communication styles
  • Developing healthy coping skills and modeling self-care
  • Coping with guilt, shame and stigma
  • Developing a personalized family blueprint for overall wellness

Group Sessions

  • 7 two-hour sessions
  • All sessions are free of charge

Getting Started

Contact Rachel Minton, Family Strengthening Programs Coordinator, at, 215.757.6916, ext. 225 to register or to learn more.


Our Families in Recovery program is part of a pilot launched by Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance in the face of an opioid and heroin epidemic that has claimed thousands of lives and torn apart families. Its person-first curriculum draws on the latest research in addiction recovery and best practices in parenting, and is inclusive of the 12 Step principles of recovery.